the infinite space
              to grow  


with Pauline

In ThetaHealing® we find out the limiting believe patterns that are stored in our system, this negative believe patterns are  limiting us from living the truest and freeest, highest loving version of ourselves.
In the session I guid my clients to find out those patterns, find out where/when the negative believe pattern is originating - Many are formed in our childhood but we also carry different believes from our families and ancestores as well as society- and how this believe has served the soul until now.
Then we will turn the believe pattern into a positive conditioning, a positive believe pattern, through a certain technique and so called ´downloads`, which will replace the negative with many differnet positive ones. This all will be done in the state of Theta, which is the frequency of our brain, when we are sleeping, with the difference that we are awake but in the state of Theta.
The state of Theta is one way to be in the highest connection with the Source.

The ThetaHealing® Sessions costs 80 Euro and takes 1 - 1,5 hours.

For appointment booking and questions please contact: